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Model: sunebedpllt
Soft, absorbent, and economical Made from short straw fibres, Sun-e-bed fluffs up to a soft and supportive bed for your horse. The bedding is highly absorbent. Wet patches clump together for easy removal, and lock away the ammonia smell. You won't need to remove much bedding each day, w..
Model: Blystrawpack
Pack of 21 small bales of golden barley straw..
Model: haylagecompryepall
Pallet of compact ryegrass haylage. 6 bales per pallet. Each bale measures 120ccm x 80cm x 70 cm weighing approx 200kg..
Model: haylagecomptimpall
Pallet of 6 compact bales of Low sugar and starch haylage. Each bale measures approx 120cm x 80 cm x 70cm  weighing approx 220kg    ..
Model: hayconvtimbale
Small bale timothy hay. Low in sugar. Especially for 'good doers' fussy eaters or special low sugar diets Find the analysis here..
Model: hayconvtimpack
Pack of 21 Low sugar TImothy hay bales. Ideal for 'Good Doers' fussy eaters or special dietary needs. Full analysis here..
Model: hayconvryepack
Conventional bale ryegrass hay 14 bale pack See the analysis here..
Model: hayconvmdwpack
Conventional Meadow Hay Pack of 21 bales Soft Green Meadow Hay See the analysis here..
Brand: eastwicks Model: hayconvmdwbale
Conventional Bale of soft meadow hay See the analysis here..
Brand: hunter Model: shvhtrbale
Bale of Hunter Shavings 25kg soft white dust extracted shavings..
Brand: hunter Model: shvhunpall
1 Pallet of Hunter wood Shavings 25kg bales  36 bales per pallet..
Model: shvnatflkbale
Natural Large flake, dust extracted white shavings bale..
Showing 1 to 12 of 36 (3 Pages)