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We produce several types of haylage from either Ryegrass, Timothy grass or Lucerne.

It is a common misconception that all haylage will make horses ‘fizzy’ or ‘blow their heads’ when in fact certain types of haylage can be fed to laminitic horses on box rest without soaking.

Conversely, we are able to offer haylage to owners who require a forage with higher nutrition for greater performance and endurance.

Our products are grown on our own farm where we are able to control every step of the process.

Bale sizes: We produce our haylage in 20kg packs, 200kg compact bales and 400kg jumbo bales


Feeding Haylage

Health Issues

Some horses are unable to eat dry hay due to respiratory problems such as COPD. Haylage is higher in moisture and virtually dust free. Once a horse has been affected, it will never recover and will always need special attention to minimise exposure to ‘dust’ in order to control the disease. Good quality haylage is an ideal and cost effective way in which to improve condition due to its higher energy and protein levels.


Owners of horses in heavy work require a higher nutritional balance from forage, for endurance, performance and condition. Feeding high protein and energy haylage provides a good base from which the rest of the diet can be tailored to suit individual requirements.

Cost and convenience

Haylage based diets for all horses in average to heavy work requirements will have an overall lower cost than hay. This is because haylage can provide much of the nutritional needs of your horse without the addition of lots of cereal based feed. Many owners are able to feed ad lib haylage and significantly reduce hard feed requirements. Haylage is plastic wrapped and so can be stored outside without the risk of spoilage from the weather. Haylage does not need to be soaked before feeding so no more cold wet hands in winter!

How to feed haylage

Mature horses generally consume 2-2.5% of their body weight in feed per day. This is supplied by a combination of forage, either grazed grass, hay or haylage, and concentrated feed. The level of concentrate required by your horse is dictated by two main factors; the nutritional value of the forage and the amount of work your horse is doing. The way haylage is made and the quality of the grasses used means that haylage is usually has a higher nutritional content than hay but as haylage is wetter than hay, more needs to be fed than hay to ensure that your horse has a high enough fibre intake. Haylage is 65-75% dry matter compared with 90% for hay, so you should feed 30-50% more haylage by weight to maintain your horse’s fibre requirements. Reduce your hard feed to compensate for the higher nutritional content of haylage.


Model: haylagecompryepall
Pallet of compact ryegrass haylage. 6 bales per pallet. Each bale measures 120ccm x 80cm x 70 cm weighing approx 200kg..
Model: haylagecomptimpall
Pallet of 6 compact bales of Low sugar and starch haylage. Each bale measures approx 120cm x 80 cm x 70cm  weighing approx 220kg    ..
Model: cpbalfafull
Old Manor Alfa Haylage is made from pure Alfalfa (Lucerne). It is higher in protein than Ryegrass haylage but it is typically low in starch and sugars. Lucerne has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of ulcers in horses by providing superior buffering capacity compared to grass fo..
Model: cpbalfahalf
Old Manor Alfa Haylage is made from pure Alfalfa (Lucerne). It is higher in protein than Ryegrass haylage but it is typically low in starch and sugars. Lucerne has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity of ulcers in horses by providing superior buffering capacity compared to grass fo..
Model: cpbprofull
Old Manor High Fibre Pro Haylage is made from pure Italian Ryegrass. It is typically around 8% protein and 9-10Mj/kg of energy, but you can find the full analysis here. Each bale weighs 20kg and there are 40 bales on half a pallet...
Model: cpbprohalf
Old Manor High Fibre Pro Haylage is made from pure Italian Ryegrass. It is typically around 8% protein and 9-10Mj/kg of energy, but you can find the full analysis here. Each bale weighs 20kg and there are 20 bales on half a pallet...
Model: cpbtimlitefull
Old Manor Timothy Lite Haylage is made from pure Timothy grass. It is low in sugar and starch and is great for fussy eaters, good doers and horses which have a specific nutritional requirement due to conditions such as laminitis, EMS and Cushings. You can find the full analysis here. E..
Model: cpbtimlitehalf
Old Manor Timothy Lite Haylage is made from pure Timothy grass. It is low in sugar and starch and is great for fussy eaters, good doers and horses which have a specific nutritional requirement due to conditions such as laminitis, EMS and Cushings. You can find the full analysis here. E..
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)

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